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New Relationship with God - Next Steps to Grow

People are starting new relationships with God! It is a joy to see the grace of God break into someone’s life as they receive the work that Jesus has done for us to pay the penalty for our sin, and make us a son/daughter of God!

Here are some helpful places to start growing in your relationship w/God, if its new or old.

1. Pray! Just spend time talking to God. Here is a link to a blog I wrote a bit back that sets out some of the nuts and bolts of how to talk to God. Know that He is your Father, and there is no “right way” to pray, simply talk honestly with Him.

2. Read the Bible. You get to know God as you read the bible, as these are His words to us to show us Himself and the plan He has worked out for our salvation and the restoration of His whole creation in Christ. I would recommend reading John along with us in this series. The book Encounters With Jesus by Tim Keller is a great little book that connects life’s big questions to Jesus in the Gospel of John. Next, try reading the Gospel of Mark along with another Keller book, Jesus the King. I also attached our one sheet summary study the bible tool.

3. Just for Starters is a great short study combining prayer and reading the bible to cover the core aspects of following Jesus.

We also have all of these resources available at the offices, so shoot us an email

There is nothing better than connecting with others in God’s family in this process. We suggest getting into a Community (especially into the 3D weekly rhythm of that Community) in order to walk with other men or women together. You can get connected into a Community by attending the next DNA Class in March or, simply by emailing James Harris

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